Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Another Go

So I've never taken this blogging thing seriously.

I never update this thing.

I just don't want to be held accountable in the future for what I might have thought on one particular day in the past, you know? Mood and hormones and recent experience and consequence and- oh, I don't know- the alignment of the stars have so much to do with how I feel at any particular moment that I've always thought "why define myself in black and white only to contradict and confuse a moment later?"

But I do chronicle short blog entries on Facebook and Twitter, right? (I've even been accused of over sharing) So why not start a blog? Or rather, why not keep up with this blog which I started so long ago?

I think I need to figure out how to customize this blog experience to my method of diffusion and communication. I think that's the trick. Use it how I use Facebook sort of...Like sometimes I need to recommend a singularly good performance or artist, or event and maybe that's how I can utilize this medium. Personally, I do like to see photographer and designer process blogs so maybe eventually, when I'm back in rehearsal, we can have some of that.

Alright, so here's me giving this another try.

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