Saturday, October 11, 2008

I think I'm way in over my head

I think I bit off more than I could chewthis season. I think I got my hand in too many pots and pans. My agent at Mark at Bret Adams told me in the spring that rewrites get productions and I think I know what he means now. I had never given rewrites the attention they deserve, but I see what he means now. Rewrites are hard. And you know what's hard? Being in the show you're codirecting and producing, while you're still trying to do rewrites. I feel a little bit like Sybil with all the personalities. I don't think I thought things through before embarking on this little adventure. It's going to be alright though. I know it. The Lunaticas are so patient an amazing; I wouldn't be able to do it without them. It's also hard that this part I'm playing wasn't written for me, but for another lovely Lunatica who couldn't do it after all.

Anyway, now I'm just complaining aren't I? I need to go learn lines.

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